Bubble Buddy Tropical Sea

Produced by Foekje Fleur

Hey there, eco-warriors! Get ready to revolutionize the way you use soap with the Bubble Buddy Tropical Sea! This amazing little tool is made of recycled plastic and is the perfect way to reduce plastic waste and say goodbye to plastic bottles and dispensers. All you need is a bar of soap and you’re good to go! Simply grate the soap onto your hand or onto the Bubble Buddy Tropical Sea, and lather away. And when you’re done, the soap grater doubles as a soap dish, so you can keep your soap clean and dry until your next use. Not only is the soap grater eco-friendly and practical, but it’s also super fun to use! You’ll feel like a pro chef grating soap onto your hand, and the satisfying sound of the soap grating is sure to put a smile on your face.


In stock


Dimensions: 10,8x8cm
Material: Recycled Plasticfo

SKU FOE-008 Categories , Tag