Desired Tinos

Published by Desired Landscapes

This folding map for the island of Tinos includes 1 walking tour and 4 road trip itineraries for the 48 villages of Tinos, its vernacular and local products.

For a long time, Tinos was “the special island that the Greeks kept to themselves”. Its prevailing religious narrative kept visitors satisfied with one single route – from port to church, and only the curious ones expedited to its raw beaches and villages, yet lately it has become a must-see destination.

This guide is all about the genuine face of Tinos. The crafts that give character to each village, the local products, and the vernacular design and architecture that emerged out of necessity.

This map is an invitation to curiosity, for all things we don’t want to see fade.


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Publisher: Desired Landscapes
Language: English
Number of pages: –
Dimensions: –
Publication date: –