What Design Can’t Do
Published by Set Margins’
Essays on Design and Disillusion / Silvio Lorusso
Design is broken. Young and not-so-young designers are becoming increasingly aware of this. Many feel impotent: they were told they had the tools to make the world a better place, but instead the world takes its toll on them. Beyond a haze of hype and bold claims lies a barren land of self-doubt and impostor syndrome. Although these ‘feels’ might be the Millennial norm, design culture reinforces them. In conferences we learn that “with great power comes great responsibility” but, when it comes to real-life clients, all they ask is to “make the logo bigger.”
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Publisher: Set Margins’
Language: English
Number of pages: 352
Dimensions: 13x20cm
ISBN: 978-90-833501-3-4