What is Post-branding?
Published by Set Margins’
How to Counter Fundamentalist Marketplace Semiotics / Oliver Vodeb, Jason Grant
What is Post Branding? is a work of ‘practical theory’. It is a compact ‘pocket-book’ format publication composed of four main sections. The first, ‘DIS-BRANDED’, is a text of 20 short page-long chapters exposing the ideological underbelly and real-world impact of branding. The second, ‘MIXED MESSAGES’, is a provocative visual essay illuminating the texts’ main themes. The third, ‘MANUAL’, presents a framework for a critical alternative to corporate branding, humorously appropriating found instructional diagrams as a brand manual satire. This section also includes examples of completed contemporary projects that have implemented post-branding principles. The book concludes with ‘CONTEXT’, featuring a conversation with cultural theorist Brian Holmes and an argument with design historian Steven Heller.
26,00 €
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Publisher: Set Margins’
Language: English
Number of pages: 272
Dimensions: 10,5×16,5cm
ISBN: 978-90-832706-7-8