Hypothetical Death of the Exarchian Alpha
Published by Dolce, sun/sun
The book Hypothetical Death of the Exarchian Alpha is an invitation to read the sociological, historical and political upheavals of a country, Greece, through the epigraphy on the walls of a neighborhood of the capital, which happens to be the center of the anarchist movement.
This book is made up of four parts:
– the author’s logbook and how she immerses herself in her study
– the collection of photographs of letters Alpha found on the walls of Exarchia
– the different Alphas isolated from their context to keep only their shape and their typographical elements in relation to their hypothetical death (disappearance)
– a sequence of mini-scenarios of disappearance
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Publisher: Dolce, sun/sun
Research: Ella Villaumié
Art Direction and Contribution: Typical. Organization
Number of pages: 406
Dimensions: 11x18cm
Language: English
ISBN: 979-10-95233-20-6